Enable - Engage - Enrich - Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Exploring and developing emotional intelligence not only makes us happier and more successful, but it helps us motivate ourselves, manage stress more effectively and resolve conflict with others. It gives us the skill to be able to encourage, comfort, discipline, and confront different kinds of people appropriately in different situations.
This assessment helps you determine how effectively you express your emotions across key parameters like self - Awareness; Motivation etc. You can use this assessment to build your emotional intelligence and develop important people skills
Read each statement given below and rate how closely you agree with each of them. Rate them on a scale of 4 where
0 - Absolutely Disagree
1 - Somewhat Disagree
2 - Somewhat Agree
3 - Absolutely Agree
You must answer all questions. Please note that there are no right or wrong answers. Answer from the perspective of what you actually do in your present day to day life and not from what you would like or prefer to do. To get a near accurate result, please be absolutely candid and transparent in your responses.