Enable - Engage - Enrich - Can you Influence others effectively
Can You Influence Others Effectively
Selling is a function of your ability to influence decisions and behaviors of other people.
This assessment is designed to help you discover your potential to influence other people. It also gives insights into how your attempts to influence others gets noticed by people whom you are trying to influence.
Both these insights can help you identify specific behaviors that you may want to work upon and tailor your learning path accordingly.
Your answers should reflect your behaviors as you actually practice them now and not as what you would wish them to be. There are no right or wrong answers. To get valuable insights from this assessment be frank, honest and genuine with your responses.
This assessment is taken from Chapter 5, "Gaining Power & Influence" from the book "Developing Management Skills", eighth edition, by David A. Whetten and Kim S. Kameron, pages 280 - 282.
For each of the questions below imagine yourself in a situation where you are requesting or expecting an action or a decision from another person. What would you usually say or do to ensure that the other person fulfills your request or does what you want him or her to do.